Stabik UKD-3000
This model is intended for work of the equipment as TVs coppers gas, the computer, lighting, and so on to the power of 3000 of watts or 2100 watts. Essential feature of the Stabik UKD-3000 UPS is existence of system of the controler which answers control of a charge, to automatic equipment and informative LED system of the display in forward panels. This model is convenient for installation to a wall. The B of the UPS is excluded a case of a recharge of batteries as the controler automatic disconnects charging current at a total charge of the accumulator and the controler is responsible for which category leaves 10% of capacity of the accumulator what to protect the accumulator from the deep category. In this motel too there is built-in CD (charging device) on 20-25 amperes and a voltage stabilizer. Current form pure sinusoid. The built-in voltage stabilizer works with a pogreshnosye of ±8% and the entering tension in the range of 140-270 volts. In protection against an overstrain, from short prisustvut short circuit. Switching speed on the battery of 0,04 seconds. The Stabik UKD-3000 UPS is equipped with the 32nd bit microprocessor which controls charging current. Stabik UKD-3000 are calculated the long time of autonomous work limited only to an energy stock the akkumlyatornykh of batteries.
Pure sinusosent less than 5% it is better than harmonicas than quality in the ordinary power supply network.