Polikristalicheskie solar panels “SOLAR-Stab SL”.
The company “Stabik” has introduced a new model of polycrystalline solar panels new series Solar Stab SL 100,150,200. In this series estetitika improved appearance, and also differs increased output power level.
The combination of power and flexibility characteristics allow us to find the key to each client. New Solar Stab SL series is available in two variants Black and White with different finishes.The model will be of interest to your customers the best value for money, quality, size and variety of finishes.Polycrystalline solar panels Solar Stab SL created using silicon is not very high purity, which makes the final product more affordable. Unlike the products of a single crystal, polycrystalline silicon creation occurs during cooling of the silicon melt. This process is less energy consuming and accordingly less expensive. Continuous improvement of production processes allows to increase the electrical performance of the solar modules, bringing them closer to the characteristics of monocrystalline solar cells.The outer solar photovoltaic modules polycrystalline silicon differ inhomogeneous surface structure from blue to light blue. Solar power modules based on polycrystalline silicon have an efficiency of 15% and above.
The company “Stabik” produces solar panels Solar Stab SL Power:
Solar Stab SL100 = 100W / 18Vdc
Solar Stab SL150 = 150W / 18Vdc
Solar Stab SL200 = 200W / 36Vdc